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李捷新作:立春.空城.昙花一现 Jie Li-Elbrächter’s New Release


Updated: May 13, 2020

李捷 Jie Li-Elbrächter


香港6杂志曾将她列为 #在上海你要认识的人#。

Jie Li-Elbrächter, never had there been anyone who could accurately describe her. Hong Kong magazine "6 " listed her as "someone you have to know in Shanghai".




However, the moment you wanted to meet her, the minute you thought she's going to demonstrate her talent after obtaining a doctorate degree, she surprised you and left for Singapore.

Friends have already become used to her traveling around the world. The Central Academy of Fine Arts was a university that many yearned to study in and tried their very best to make it through. Unsurprising for her character, she placed first in the entrance examination to this elite school but left for Germany in her second year there.

Two years after her life in Germany, when she began various solo exhibitions and obtained many different awards, and when the German Film Festival decided to film a movie of her life story, again, she sold all of her belongings overnight and went to Geneva…

曾经好奇的问她,为什么每次人生到了高潮就要转身呢。她面无表情: 高潮多了怎么能感受到幸福。





Many curious people once asked her, why do you turn your back whenever it is the peak of your life? She simply replied expressionlessly “how could I experience happiness if I kept embracing all these?”

A grin then appeared on her face as she kept silent…

A typical Gemini, one who does not rest in comfort, who does not stay put in a single place for long, and who does not constantly attempt to predict the future.

Jie always said she loved the Metropolis and loved the sight of a bustling city, because only in the midst of a huge crowd, can she truly comprehend loneliness. She enjoys this kind of loneliness. She is full of curiosity toward the entire unknown, and this loneliness has allowed her to explore the unknown.

She writes scholarly articles, curates exhibitions, teaches at university, supports rural construction with artistic planning, makes art investments, and tries anything she has never attempted before. She does things that she truly enjoys and all her life’s moments become her handiwork.

She and her artwork are one. Her style of painting is constantly changing as her life’s experiences reflect in her work. All elements in her life become her art material, for example her three children.



People ask her daily, what is the style of your work?

---depends on what I drank the night before.












03/02/17, Li Chun.


  Empty city.

  Just like many of the world’s major cities, the festive Shanghai has become an “empty city” full of tourists.

  Businesses conducted at place of interests, crowded malls, empty streets…

  Just like a mirror of the artist’s character.

  Still, one person,

  smoking alone,

  singing a tune alone,

  having a drink alone,

  And after that muttering alone…



  ——昨晚DIZZY BAR特意为她调了一新酒:昙花一现。

Fallen leaves flow with the wind.

The next day, people still ask her, what is the style of your work?

  ---dizzy bar specially created a new drink for her: “Transitory performance”.




03/02/17-13/02/17, you may just be in this bustling empty city centre, 680 Huashan Road, and you will find a lonely artwork, one that can only be seen for a brief moment in the spring of 2017:

Spring.Empty city.Transitory performance

If the flower is still there.


This artwork is dedicated to Laolao, who had just left us a month before at age 96…

李捷 博士 Dr.Jie Li-Elbrächter





Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter

  Sojourn in Singapore, China and Germany.

  Artist;Curator;Founder of NOTHINGART;Guest professional of Fudan University.

  Have organized many exhibitions of Chinese and foreign artists as well as the art exchanges between colleges and institutions.Have held the solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in some cities and countries, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Germany, France, Switzerland and England.

  Took part in the exhibition of Germany Munster Architecture Festival,Won the Prize of Germany Jestburg Creative Artists.Autobiography was made into a film released in the Cinema in Munster, Germany.Professional art literatures have been published in Sinology Studies, Journalism & Communication, Research in Education Development and Overseas Researches on China.

  Ph.D. of anthropology of art of Fudan University in China.Obtained the Master of Liberal Arts in Germany Munster Academy of Arts and won the title of the Meisterschueler.

  Studied in London Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in England, Ecole superieure des Beaux-arts de Geneve in Switzerland and Central Academy of Fine Arts in China.

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